Social Media Content Strategy

Setting a strategy is key to getting your social media platforms to perform for your business. With my proven strategies we will see your brand look and perform better with innovation and creativity at the forefront of your social strategy plan.

A customized social strategy can take your business to the next level. And that’s why you are here. You want to see your business soaring and shining among its competition on socials and to make your business message stick. With a dedicated social media professional to help you every step of the way, your business can now flourish online and on social media to grow in popularity and reach business KPI’s.

Social Media Management

Need help managing your socials because you simply just don’t have time to create a thriving social media presence or you need a professional to take the reigns? I can help you create a brand aesthetic that speaks to your audience with bold content creation, creative copywriting, stylized imagery, and measurable strategies to have your business at the top of mind for your target audience.

Content Creation | Let me take your brand/vision to another level with brand-specific content creation. Specifically taking brand elements and incorporating this into your channels.

Photography | Stylized images are the core of having eyes on your company. Let’s capture your brand’s essence with smart imagery.

Hashtag Strategy | Be searchable and relevant in the field you want to gain attention in utilizing a hashtag strategy to gain traction from potential followers/customers. 

Performance Reports | Data is king. Monthly reports will review the progress of the social media strategy we put in place with detailed analytics that measures key KPIs and reach goals.

Digital Marketing

More eyes on the prize. That prize is your brand. Promoting social ads, big or small, can help your business get in front of the audience that your brand needs to thrive and turn followers into long-time loyal customers.

Facebook Ad Creation and Implementation | Organic reach can only get you so far when you want to expand your business. Take your social strategy to the next level with promoted posts and a plan that can convert to grow your following and connect to new followers/customers by utilizing Facebook ads for your business.

By providing a high-level overview of how digital marketing strategies can transform your socials we can step your business’s game up and also educate you and your business on how digital marketing works uniquely for your business.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is about building brand loyalty and connecting to your audience with the influencer as the tool. Creating a personable connection to your business will create conversation and in return, business.

Influencer Marketing/Brand Partnerships | Elevate your brand by letting a familiar face plug your business to the audience you desire. Using an influencer approach gives your brand a relatable feel and helps resonate with potential customers by showing your product/service in a friendly, personable way. I strategize what influencers are right for your business to then activate and execute influencer campaigns that help build your brand awareness while connecting to a broader audience.

Ok, this all sounds great but I also Have more specific needs like— community management, Facebook Group moderation, and Brand art direction. Thankfully, you are still in the right place.

Services are custom tailored to your business needs.

 Contact me for a specialized breakout that is specifically crafted to your business’s goals to help you bring your social dreams to life. Shoot me a detailed email and we can align on what your needs are and how to execute accordingly.

I am looking forward to helping you and your business begin this journey on social media!